Channel - TUG 13
4/14/2023 9:19:48 PM
Channel Videos
001.01 Trilinos User Group Meeting 2013: Hands On Tutorial - Nov. 2013
SAND Number: 2014-2981 P
Presenter(s): M. Hoemmen
Hands-on Trilinos Tutorial. The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
01400 Computation, Computers & Math
11/4/2013 4:00:00 PM
001.02 Trilinos User Group Meeting 2013: Hands On Tutorial - Nov. 2013
SAND Number: 2014-2981 P
Presenter(s): M. Hoemmen
Hands-on Trilinos Tutorial. The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
01400 Computation, Computers & Math
11/4/2013 5:30:00 PM
001.03 Trilinos User Group Meeting 2013: Kokkos Tutorial - Nov. 2013
SAND Number: 2014-2178 P
Presenter(s): C. Edwards
Kokkos Tutorial. The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
01400 Computation, Computers & Math
11/4/2013 8:30:00 PM
002.01 Trilinos User Group Meeting 2013: Multiple Presentations - Nov. 2013
SAND Number: 2014-2477P
Presenter(s): M. Heroux, K. Devine & D. Ridzal
Trilinos Progress, Challenges, and Future Plans & Using 2D Matrix Distributions in Trilinos & ROL Optimization. The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
01400 Computation, Computers & Math
11/5/2013 3:30:00 PM
002.02 Trilinos User Group Meeting 2013: Albany, Minitensor, Piro Solver Layer & Sacado - Nov. 2013
SAND Number: 2014-1432 P
Presenter(s): G. Hansen, A. Mota, J. Ostien, A. Salinger & E. Phipps
Albany & Minitensor & Piro Solver Layer & Sacado. The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
01400 Computation, Computers & Math
11/5/2013 5:40:00 PM
002.03 Trilinos User Group Meeting 2013: Multiple Presentations - Nov. 2013
SAND Number: 2014-2476 P
Presenter(s): M. Wolf, A. Prokopenko & S. Osborn
User Talk - Detecting Anomalies in Very Large Graphs & Introduction to MueLu & Solving Linear Systems on GPUs with MueLu. The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems. A unique design feature of Trilinos is its focus on packages.
01400 Computation, Computers & Math
11/5/2013 8:30:00 PM
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